About your Photographer

Hello Everyone!
For those who don't know me, my name is Amber. I have been photographing for about 11 years now. (Time sure does fly when your having fun!) I had no photography experience and graduating from high school, looking for a job, I filled out an application for Picture People. I basically learned everything I know from working there. I started out as a seasonal associate and quickly made myself up the ladder to Senior Photographer. I was the one who helped people like me, find their passion and teach them posing and different ways to interact with children. I stopped working for them in 2015 I believe and went onto Call Center work. Although I am good with people, it just wasn't for me. My daughter was 7 months old when I decided to get back into the studio scene and ended up doing Santa in the mall that year. Little did I know, before 2016 was over we would be moving to Maryland where I have been a stay at home mom and have been doing photography on the side. I ended up working with a Photographer here, who taught me all about the camera and photographing outdoors which is not what I was used to.. A year of shadowing her and learning so much... here I am! I am excited to start this new journey as Be Youtiful Photography.
Choosing a Photographer isn't always as easy as you think! Everyone has their own photography and editing style, some people are better with children when others do better with pets, and some prefer their subjects not to move. Hopefully I fit your style and what you are looking for!
I am a Portrait Photographer. I do find myself posing family and making them look natural by having you interact with your family or sibling. I tend to have a very natural and bold editing style, and trying to keep colors as close to what they should be! I am very good with children, and tend to surprise family members by how I interact and get them to smile and laugh. The children to the right are my own :) and let me tell you, getting them to smile and pose for me is 100% more difficult than photographing any other child. I am very patient and will pull every trick possible to get your child to smile.. sometimes though, that may not be in the cards.. and that's okay! Your family is beautiful in its own way and I will be sure to bring that out!
I am excited to talk to you and see if I fit your style and needs.